CHSWG (pronounced chizzywig) stands for Children’s Hearing Services Working Group.
Each Health Authority area should have its own active CHSWG and Croydon is no exception.
It is a working group made up of professionals and non-professionals representing all the services involved in supporting deaf and hearing impaired children and their families.
These include representatives from education, speech & language therapy, Croydon University Hospital audiology, the Newborn Hearing Screening Programme, Crystal Children’s Development Centre audiology, community paediatricians, NDCS and parents/carers – to name a few!
They meet to discuss, monitor and develop integrated services for deaf children and their families in Croydon. However, the professional representatives do not know if the services they are providing are working as well as they could be for families, unless we tell them so. And this is where we, as parents and carers, come in.
It is vital that parents’ views are brought forward at these meetings. If you would like to become a parent rep on future CHSWGs, please contact us at, or if you would like a particular matter raised but would rather not, or cannot, attend meetings, please also get in touch with us to discuss the matter so that it can be put on the agenda at the next meeting.
Meetings are usually held three times a year – (9.30 – 11.30am) at the Crystal Children’s Development Centre in Addiscombe.